Friday, February 26, 2016

Napoles-Fragment Muzik

After meeting with Napoles, I was just taken aback by this man's honorable humility. He is a talented producer and writer that has worked with an array of artists such as that Bronx heartthrob–yes ladies, I'm talking about Prince Royce. His hard work has earned him Grammy nominations and his encouraging spirit shared some very valuable advice for anyone looking to have a career in music.

Cuando conocí a Napoles, quede totalmente impresionada con su humildad. El es un productor talentoso que has trabajado con un sin fin de artistas como el guapo del Bronx–así es chicas, con Prince Royce. Napoles ha recibido nominaciones al Grammy por su gran trabajo y esfuerzo y comparte con nosotros el mejor consejo para aquel que desea tener una carrera musical.

Bionica: Napoles, you are a musical genius. What advice do you have for those musicians that are starting out and really want to stand out? What's something that you would say they have to have?
Napoles: Well the first thing is to be yourself. Many times people are at a place in which they say 'I want to be different' and they end up being like everyone else. Be yourself and leave your ego at the door. In this industry, in this world, you have to be able to let yourself be guided by those that know more than you. And keep going for your dream.

The Brand Phoenix

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