Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ariel the Great!!!

Les presento Ariel!!
Un joven fashionista con buen gusto al vestir 
Con un increíble talento para el diseño 
Os invito a que sigan su jornada por el mundo 
través su instagram!!! 

Meet Ariel!!!
A young fashionista with great taste
And an incredible talent in fashion design 
He is definitely one to look out for 
I invite you to join him in his journey 
through pictures via instagram!!!

fedora: JJ, lentes: Retro Super Future, cazadora: Topman, camiseta: propia, vaqueros: All Saints, zapatillas: Nike

fedora: JJ, glasses: Retro Super Future, jacket: Topman, t-shirt: own, jeans: All Saints, shoes: Nike

Gracias Ariel!!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Red Carpet!!!

Este pasado jueves 24 de Abril vivimos la música de tantos artistas en los Latin Billboard Awards en el Bank United Center de Miami. 
La alfombra roja fue toda una pasarela–pero todos tenemos nuestros favoritos & aquí os comparto los míos!!
Teniendo en mente que la moda es algo que se tiene disfrutar y mucho mas con un buen estilo ;)

For more pictures visit BillboadHuffington Post 

It all went down at the Bank United Center in Miami, this Thursday, April 24, for the Latin Billboard Awards. 
There was so much going on at the red carpet it was hard to keep track–
however I must say that we all have our favorites & I just had to share mine!!
Keeping in mind that fashion is about having fun and doing it up 
with the right fit and of course style ;)

Para mas fotos visita Billboard & Huffington Post 
Chino & Nacho

Gaby Espino

Il Volo 

Sean Paul

Vanessa Villela 


J Balvin

Cynthia Olvarría

David Bisbal

Diego Boneta

Roselyn Sanchez-Badgley Mishka Couture

Yarel Ramos


Jessica Carrillo

Kika Rocha

Natalia Jimenez

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Los Hermanos Veguilla

El pasado 10 de Abril, Billboard en Concierto presentó a La Leyenda Yandel & El General Gadiel 
en Stage48 en NYC
El evento fue un éxito total!!!
Hoy 24 de Abril serán los premios Billboard en Telemundo–no te lo puedes perder!!!

This past 10th of April, Billboard Concerts presented Yandel the Legend and Gadiel the General at Stage 48 in NYC
It was such a fun event–a prelude to tonight's Latin Billboard awards which you cannot miss!!!!

Plakito-Yandel Feat. Gadiel

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


An urban artist from NY, Messiah, is making his mark in music with his incredible improvisation skills and smooth voice for the ladies!!! Look out it's Messiah!!!!

Messiah: Well my style in music is rather different. I've been making music since I was eleven and come from a family of musicians. Both my dad & uncle were musicians. I've always been inspired by  romantic oldies like José José, Sandro & Raphael and have     tried to incorporate different lyrics into reggaeton. 
For example, I don't like making songs just to make them. I need to have a subject, not just something that says 'get close', 'tra', 'grind'...
Everyone says that my music is different which makes me unique. 
 In order for me to get inspired to write, I'll listen to a love song instead. A song that has lyrics that will inspire me to write something nice.

Bionica: Who is your favorite singer?
Messiah: My favorite singer is Sandro. He's Argentine, known as Sandro of America. 

Bionica: How would you say that Sandro inspired you in your current songs?
Messiah: Sandro was actually my dad's favorite artist and I make music for my dad, so listening to Sandro made him my favorite artist too. I'm not going to say that all of my songs are inspired by Sandro or have something to do with him, but he's definitely one of the artists that inspired me to write songs. 

Bionica: What's that process like when you are going to write a song?
Messiah:  The process–I think that the muse of inspiration can touch an artist at any moment. For example, I could be at the studio and I'll have a song. I'll dream, come up with a melody then all I have to do is add the lyrics... There have been times when something will hit me as I'm walking home and when I get there I'll already have a chorus. I'll have a base and when I sit down at home, I just start to write. But I can't say that there is an exact thing that inspires me. 
There are artists whom only write while in the studio, but for me it's different. Inspiration can come at any place, at any time. It's just something that comes to you. Take advantage when it does touch you. It's good to carry around your iphone because you can write it down right away. I used to write on a piece of paper, but there are times when you won't have paper and you might forget something. I just take out my iphone and start writing–the rest is history. 

Bionica: What steps did you take to forward your musical career?
Messiah: I used to be part of a duo called Tali & Messiah. Our song Las Vocales is what put us out there and it became a huge hit in South America. You can say that we didn't know how to seize the moment. We were very young and it was hard to pick up the buzz again. 
But now I'm working on a project as a solo artist and I'm thankful to God because many doors have opened. My manager and his wife Stefi Chacón have helped me out so much. Thanks to them I have been able to work with Ñengo Flow as well as Zion & Lennox. I'm also working on a song with De La Ghetto. I definitely feel very blessed with everything!!!

Thank you Messiah!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Este Abril los joyeros Fabergé patrocinaron el BiggEggHunt de NY 
en el cual mas de 300 huevos diseñados por artistas y diseñadores 
conocidos al rededor del mundo fueron 'escondidos' en la 
gran ciudad de Manhattan 
Estos huevos serán subastados para las obras caritativas de Elephant Family y Studio in a School de Agnes Gund!!!
Y partir del 18 de Abril, todos los huevos llegaron a su nido en el Rockefeller Center
Si estas en NY tienes que pasar por allí y darles un vistazo!!
Aquí os muestro algunos ;)
Felices Pascuas a todos!!!

The hunt is on this April as the jewelers at Fabergé host the Bigg Egg Hunt 
in NY where more than 300 eggs designed by great artists & designers from around the world are placed all over Manhattan
These lovely eggs shall be auctioned for the benefit of the Elephant Family & Agnes Gund's Studio in a School charities
Now all eggs nestled at Rockefeller Center on the 18th where you can admire them 
in all their Easter glory!!
Happy Easter!!!!

 Anna Trzebinski Egg 101 
Richard Mishaan Egg 114
Anne Corrine Egg 166 
Ralph Lauren Egg 203
Nick Matic Egg 185
Prince's Drawing School Egg 119 
Diane Von Furstenberg Egg 175 
Cadogan Tate Egg 282

Friday, April 18, 2014

Un Profesor

"No hay medicina que cure lo que no cura la felicidad."
"There's no medicine to cure what happiness can't."
 -Gabriel Garcia Márquez 1927-2014 

Se despidió de nosotros un gran maestro 
pero no antes de dejar su increible legado 
sus enseñanzas escritas para inspirar y aprender 
un poco mas cada día de Gabriel García Márquez
We have not lost him 
not completely, because in his words of wisdom 
we find his legacy 
that we may always find inspiration and learn 
from the great Gabriel García Marquez 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Era a la mode!

Estamos en primavera y con ella llegaron las rayas!!
A ver como las luce el guapísimo DJ New Era
Con unas zapatillas Giuseppe Zanotti a todo dar!!!

Check out DJ New Era 
As he rocks out in stripes this Spring 
With some nice Zanotti's to complete his look!!!

cazadora: Zara, camiseta: Armani Exchange, cinturón: Salvatore Ferragamo, vaqueros: Seven, lentes: Dita, reloj: Diesel, zapatillas: Giuseppe Zanotti

jacket: Zara, t-shirt: Armani Exchange, belt: Salvatore Ferragamo, pants: Seven, glasses: Dita, watch: Diesel, sneakers: Giuseppe Zanotti

Thanks so much DJ New Era!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Directamente desde de el Meat Packing District en NY
En la ventanilla de una tienda Moschino 
Hace un tiempito ya 

Straight from the Meat Packing District 
The Moschino store window sometime ago