Monday, June 17, 2013

Villa Diamante

Ellos son Villa Diamante
Directamente desde Argentina! 
Su disco Mashupera es una fusión de ritmos con artistas tanto Argentinos como Peruanos, Colombianos y hasta Ingleses. Llaman a su disco de mashups de Sara Hebe una mezcla de hip hop futurista. 
Pueden visitar su Sound Cloud para escuchar mas de Villa Diamante y su Mashupera!

Straight from Argentina! 
They are Vila Diamante. 
Their album Mashupera is called to be a fusion of hip hop with a rather futuristic sound. A little political, a little hip hop & rock–all music! 
Villa Diamante has collaborated with Latin American artists from Peru, Colombia & even England. 
If you feel like rocking out a bit, make sure to check out their Sound Cloud and enjoy the best of Mashupera!



yes show some love